- / Sustainable development
Sustainable development
QIC implements ESG investing approaches taking into account international trends
QIC is a leader in Kazakhstan's private equity market and places particular emphasis on ESG and responsible investing. The corporation’s activities are aimed both at building a direct investment infrastructure and at creating standards and trends, as well as popularizing ESG investing approaches, taking into account international experience and the country’s development priorities
Responsible investment
One of the strategic objectives of QIC is to assist in development of sustainable business based on internationally recognized environmental, social and management standards.
Today, QIC is working on transition to a model of "responsible investment". QIC strives to implement ESG factor assessment at all stages of the investment process - search for project proposals, making investment decisions, monitoring the life cycle of funded projects (including environmental and social impact assessment) and exit from the project.
The main goal of implementing the practice of "responsible investment" is to reduce the risks caused by portfolio companies on society and the environment, and to increase the sustainability of companies' business processes for development of their competitiveness.
Sustainable development policy
Thus, in order to increase the positive environmental and social effects from the implementation of projects, the QIC Board of Directors updated the QIC Sustainable Development Policy, which developed environmental and social requirements for recipients of investments and procedures for their application as part of the process of providing financial support and further monitoring of project implementation.
In implementation of QIC Sustainable Development Policy, QIC Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2023-2024 was approved, providing measures aimed at introducing the principles of sustainable development into QIC investment and operational processes, as well as improving intra-group corporate governance practices.
Sustainability reporting
Since 2022, in order to comply with international standards in the field of public non-financial reporting, QIC has been implementing the practice of information disclosure in accordance with the Guidelines for Reporting in the Field of Sustainable Development of the Global Reporting Initiative GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).
Our company is aware that an integral part of the work in this direction is high-quality and timely interaction with stakeholders. Work with our stakeholders is carried out within the framework of the Stakeholder Map, which is updated on an ongoing basis by the decision of the QIC Board of Directors. The stakeholder map defines the list of key stakeholders and the degree of their influence. The map also allows systematizing information about the impact of Company on each group of stakeholders and develop an effective strategy for interaction.
United Nations Association for Responsible Investment
As part of transition to "responsible investment" model, QIC joined the UN Principles of Responsible Investments Association in 2022. The members of the Association are international private equity funds and investment companies with activities aimed at developing the concept of "responsible investment" by introducing ESG standards into investment activities.
Joining the Association will increase the internal competencies of the company's employees in the field of responsible investment and will provide an opportunity to assess the progress of integrating ESG standards into business processes on an annual basis.
«Green» projects
QIC pays special attention to the implementation of "green" projects aimed at reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the environment, improving the welfare and quality of life of the country's population while minimizing the environmental burden and degradation of natural resources.
Today, QIC's investment portfolio includes the following implemented projects in the field of renewable energy sources with a total capacity of 67 MW.
1. The Baikonur solar power plant with a capacity of 50 MW in the Shieli district of the Kyzylorda region;
2. Kengir solar power plant with a capacity of 10 MW in the Karaganda region;
3. Hydroelectric power plant on Koksu River with a capacity of 7 MW in the Zhetysu region.
By the end of 2022, the share of green projects in the QIC portfolio is 6.8%.
Gender equality
Evaluation of the results on the success of achieving gender equality in the framework of the QIC's accession to the UN initiative "Women Empowerment Principles"
QIC has joined the UN global initiative "Women Empowerment Principles". In August 2022, the company was successfully registered on global WEPs platform with the support of UN Women Structure.
The signing of WEPs Principles is a public testimony of QIC's interest and active position in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment.
Thus, in its operational activities, QIC strives to improve gender equality within the company.
The ratio of women and men on the Board of Directors of QIC and the Management Board of QIC is 50/50.
QIC is also a member of the global initiative 'The Closing the Gender Gap', created to bridge the gender gap. Within the framework of the signed agreement, QIC will take an active part in its work.
QIC does not admit discrimination based on sex or gender and adheres to the principles of ensuring equal opportunities for men and women in hiring, remuneration, evaluation, access to training, proficiency enhancement and professional development, and career promotion.
As part of its philosophy and values, QIC strives to contribute to women's economic empowerment and works on the development of financial instruments for improving women entrepreneurs' access to finance.
В апреле текущего года QIC присоединился к Глобальному договору Организации Объединенных Наций (UN Global Compact), что в свою очередь будет способствовать дальнейшему внедрению принципов корпоративной социальной ответственности, реализации совместных образовательных, акселерационных программ и продвижению десяти всеобщих принципов и ценностей ООН среди стейкхолдеров Корпорации
UN Global CompactDiversity and Inclusion Statement
At QIC JSC we aim to provide a positive, inclusive working environment where people are valued for the skills and experience that they bring to work. We believe that maintaining a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace is the key to our company’s success.
By welcoming our differences and diverse perspectives we create richer professional experiences within our company and improve our company’s capacity to develop innovative ideas and concepts and make better-informed investment decisions.
Our breakthrough projects
Through its funds, QIC finances breakthrough projects that give impetus to the sustainable development of the country's regions and reduce volatility in the rapidly changing economic situation in the country and the world.
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Investing in progress